Phys-L List Archive
(by Date) of August, 2019
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[Phys-L] celestial motions
08/12/2019 21:37, Anthony Lapinski
Re: [Phys-L] Ex: celestial motions
08/13/2019 01:13, Albert J. Mallinckrodt
Re: [Phys-L] Ex: celestial motions
08/13/2019 10:50, John Denker
Re: [Phys-L] Ex: celestial motions
08/13/2019 11:13, Albert J. Mallinckrodt
Re: [Phys-L] Ex: celestial motions
08/13/2019 11:19, brian whatcott
[Phys-L] Water Slide Video & drag force
08/13/2019 16:17, Folkerts, Timothy J
Re: [Phys-L] Water Slide Video & drag force
08/13/2019 17:35, bernard cleyet
Re: [Phys-L] Water Slide Video & drag force
08/13/2019 17:40, Paul Nord
Re: [Phys-L] Water Slide Video & drag force
08/13/2019 18:18, bernard cleyet
Re: [Phys-L] Water Slide Video & drag force
08/13/2019 19:21, John Denker
[Phys-L] The Current War
08/14/2019 16:15, Anthony Lapinski
[Phys-L] Tenure-track Job Posting - Please Share
08/15/2019 20:33, Marx, David
[Phys-L] Job Opening at Brown Physics Department
08/29/2019 07:41, Zani, Gerald
[Phys-L] Projectile motion
08/29/2019 17:51, Bob Sciamanda
[Phys-L] Mathematical Curiosity
08/31/2019 13:12, Bob Sciamanda
[Phys-L] Math Curiosity
08/31/2019 13:29, Bob Sciamanda
Re: [Phys-L] Mathematical Curiosity
08/31/2019 13:38, bernard cleyet
Re: [Phys-L] Mathematical Curiosity
08/31/2019 15:12, John Denker
Re: [Phys-L] [External] Mathematical Curiosity
08/31/2019 17:21, LaMontagne, Bob
Re: [Phys-L] Math Curiosity
08/31/2019 20:27, brian whatcott
Re: [Phys-L] Math Curiosity
08/31/2019 20:59, Marx, David
[Phys-L] Hurricane Modeling / Spaghetti Plots
08/31/2019 21:37, John Denker
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