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-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf
Of chuck britton
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 11:03 AM
To: Forum for Physics Educators
Subject: Re: [Phys-l] Neutrinos going faster than speed of light?
Blatantly copied from the Tap-L list:
Dear all,
Astronomers have measured the speed of neutrinos with a precision of
1 part in 1 billion from supernova explosions and it is agreement
with the speed of light. If neutrinos did indeed travel as fast as
this paper claims we should have detected the neutrino flux from
supernova 1987A four years before we detected its light - and we
detected them pretty much at the same time.
Dr. Vera Margoniner
Physics and Astronomy Department
California State University Sacramento
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95819-6041
Office: SQU 436
Phone: (530) 746-8372
Forum for Physics Educators