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Re: [Phys-l] Lecture Isn't Effective: More Evidence #2

The Feynman lectures were never effective. Even Feynman admitted that they didn't work. The books were mostly bought by faculty members and graduate students.

Best wishes


_/ Dr. Calvin S. Kalman P. Phys. Phone: (514) 848-2424 xt 3284
_/ Professor,Department of Physics Fax: (514) 848-2828
_/ Principal, Science College
_/ Concordia University
_/ Montreal, QC H4B 1R6
_/ Also Adjunct Professor Department of Educational
_/ and Counseling Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
_/ homepage-
_/ Editor-in-Chief book series Science & Engineering Education Sources
_/ See
_/ Successful Science and Engineering Teaching in Colleges and Universities
_/ at
_/ See review found in the Journal of Chemical Education Oct. 2007:
_/ For the research behind this book see:
_/ "Successful Science and Engineering Teaching: Theoretical and Learning
_/ Perspectives (Innovation and Change in Professional Education)"
_/ at

On Jul 19, 2011, at 9:29 PM, wrote:

Isn't The Feynman Lectures still effective?
The conclusion should be "many did not know how to deliver lecture

Best regards,

Quoting Richard Hake <>:

Some subscribers to Phys-L might be interested in
a discussion-list post "Re: Lecture Isn't
Effective: More Evidence #2" [Hake (2011)].

The abstract reads:

ABSTRACT: In reply to my post "Re: Lecture Isn't
Effective: More Evidence" at
<>, Ed Laughbaum of the
MathEdCC list wrote at <>:
"My guess is that of the nearly 6 billion people
on earth who have been (are being) educated,
learned through lecture. . . . . Is lecture a
common practice in China? In India? In Thailand?
In Brazil? Canada, etc.? My guess is yes. "

To which Alain Schremmer replied "Yes, most
people in the world learn from lectures but this
is only because, in most of the world, there just
are no textbooks: the teacher writes the book on
the board and the students copy what's on the
board in their notebook."

A MUST-READ all-time classic in this regard is
the hilarious "The Lecture System in Teaching
Science" [Morrison (1986)] online at

Laughbaum went on to point out that the
effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of lectures is
related to the neurobiology of human memory as
discussed by Gerald M. Edelman
<>, Terry McDermott
<>, and Richard Restak

Forum for Physics Educators