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Re: [Phys-l] Coriolis effect puzzlement

On 2011, Dec 02, , at 10:25, I wrote:

P.S. I once made a video of myself seated on a portable rotating
platform that was, in turn, placed near the edge of one of those
playground rotating platforms. I placed a video camera at the other
end and taped myself as I brought my hands in toward my body and away.

To which Bernard Cleyet responded:

Done, but where's the video?

My previous videos were all done on VHS, so I went out this past weekend
and made a .wmv recording and tried to post it on YouTube. This is my
first attempt at posting on YouTube so I don't know if it worked but if
it did you can watch the video at the following link:


Robert A. Cohen, Department of Physics, East Stroudsburg University