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Re: [Phys-l] E=mc^2 because E=mc^2?

Hi all-
AJP refereeing, and I have been one of the referees, is a sensitive function of the editor's ignarance and breakfast on the occasion he (not she) assigns the referee. AJP, and its sister magazines, have
been treated as personal blogs by their editors, and the credability of
their publications is much in doubt. We need more oversight and
` Jack

On Thu, 26 Apr 2007, wrote:

John Denker wrote:
I don't know what Sciama said about this, but my usage agrees
with Misner/Thorne/Wheeler, with Weinberger, ..... and with

Reference: Gary Oas, ``On the abuse and use of relativistic mass''

By the way, American Journal of Physics has rejected Oas' manuscript "On the abuse and use of relativistic mass".
They should have *good reasons* for doing so.


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General Custer's unremembered message to his men,
just before leading them into the Little Big Horn Valley