I am having a disagreement with the IT department here and with my colleagues over rechargeable batteries.
They say that you are supposed to run down the battery every so often to help clear its "memory" and make it last longer.
I say that it is shortens the life span. I am not 100% sure, but I think it has something to do with chemical make up.
Then the IT department said it was just for these laptop batteries. Esp since the sales rep said you were supposed to do this. (uh huh....I believe a sales rep...)
This all started because my laptop battery goes dead in 5 minutes. I very rarely run it off the battery because of this. I say they should buy me a new one and the IT people say I have to teach the battery....
So who's right and why?
Tina Fanetti
PS the laptop battery is a Li-Ion battery.
Tina Fanetti
Physics Instructor
Western Iowa Technical Community College
4647 Stone Ave
Sioux City IA 51102
712-274-8733 ext 1429