Regarding mail to the list and through the list to the ultimate readers:
I like many others choose to get the digest form of the list. The software
that prepares that offers a convenience at a price. Regardless of what
the reader's software can or cannot do on individual messages, the list
software salvages what it can of clear text and then repeats a bunch of
stuff with formatting commands printed out.
Unlike reading individual items when I can skip unwanted tails, the only way
I can get to later messages in the digest is to scroll through the garbage.
the other problem is the continuing one of people who quote entire
previous posts complete with multi-line signatures automatically.
I have read on another list that there is a place under a SEND menu
that this "feature" could be turned off. It would really be helpful
if senders were able to find this switch.
Thank you.
Jim Braunsdorf