Tapscott's views provide an interesting perspective. However, I would hope
that readers of this Forum would exercise the same critical thinking toward
this social reporting as they presumeably do toward physics reporting.
As a "consultant and enthusiast" with a book to sell, Tapscott provides us
with popular media food for thought. I was unable to ascertain the
scientific viability of many of his "studies". If we draw conclusions
based on the personal experience of one individual, without checking the
"social science" literature, are we much better than the pseudoscientists
who offer the same caliber of interesting reporting in our own field?
Regardless, the article was enjoyable popular media food for thought.
Thanks, Karl
Dr. Karl I. Trappe Desk Phone: (512) 471-4152
Physics Dept, Mail Stop C-1600 Demo Office: (512) 471-5411
The University of Texas at Austin Home Phone: (512) 264-1616
Austin, Texas 78712-1081