Here is another idea that was bandied about re: the introductory
undergraduate physics sequence.
The problem: We have two sequences, one algebra-based and one
calculus-based. Most of our students have very poor math backgrounds.
Thus, unless they have declared their major as physics, they take the
algebra-based sequence. Occasionally, we get students who either:
(a) take the algebra-based course, do well and decide they really like
physics, or
(b) take the calculus-based course and then drop it because they realize
that they don't have the requisite math background.
Either way, the students are at a disadvantage because one needs to
take the calculus-based sequence first before doing any further work in
physics. To major or continue in physics, the student must start at the
beginning. That is, their first year is spent without any of the physics.
One possible solution is to allow students to take either the
calculus-based or algebra-based sequence. We worry, however, that the
algebra-based sequence doesn't have enough rigor to provide the skills
required for the higher-level coursework.
Thus, we are thinking of a three-course sequence to serve as an alternate
route to the calculus-based sequence. The first two semesters would be
similar to the algebra-based sequence. In the third semester,
students would be provided with the calculus-based content they missed.
Has anyone had any experience with this? Was it successful?
| Robert Cohen Department of Physics |
| East Stroudsburg University |
| East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 |
| (570) 422-3428 |
| **note new area code** |