Thanks for your useful comments. From Julio Gonzalez Cabillon on the mailing
list historia-matematica I got the following references on the subject:
* Levi-Civita, Tullio (1873-1941):
[1] "Le probleme des deux corps en relativite generale", _L'Enseignement
Mathe/matique_ vol 34, pp 149-175, 1935.
[2] "Astronomical consequences of the relativistic two-body problem",
_American Journal of Mathematics_ vol 59, pp 225-234, 1937.
* Robertson, [H]oward [P]ercy (1903-1961):
[3] "Note on the preceding paper: The two body problem in general
relativity", _Annals of Mathematics_ serie II, vol 39, pp 101-104, 1938.