We have a few spaces left in the Secondary School Enhancement Program in
Physics at Kenyon College.
The program runs from June 28th to July 23rd, and is funded by the Howard
Hughes Medical Institutes.
The participants receive a stipend of $1000 for the four week program, plus
room and board. The equivalent of four semester hours or six quarter hours of
graduate credit will be granted by Kenyon College to those applying for it.
There is no charge for this credit.
A significant set of apparatus will be supplied to the teachers, including a
dual-beam triggered oscilloscope, a function generator, a HeNe laser, as well
as apparatus for doing experiments with ultrasonics. We will build air tracks
and hovercraft. There will be a good deal of video analysis of experiments,
ranging from mechanics experiments to the decay of radioactive silver. There is
an emphasis on mastering the use of the apparatus and writing laboratory notes
for its use.
We ran this program from 1989 to 1992, and found that the ten teachers each
summer varied from experienced teachers who had come to physics from other
fields to relatively new teachers. The emphasis is on sharing ideas, techniques
and information about classroom and laboratory work.
Kenyon College is located in Gambier, Ohio, a village without any traffic
lights, a few stop signs and not many sidewalks. It is located about an hour's
drive northeast of Columbus, and is five miles east of Mount Vernon, which has
shopping areas. The College Bookstore is nationally famous, and has lots of
tables and chairs for reading, browsing and working.
The staff consists of Dick Zitto of Boardman High School and Youngstown
State University, Judy Doyle of Newark (Ohio) High School, Mark Carle of
University School (Cleveland) and Tom Greenslade of Kenyon.
Interested teachers should send their home adresses to
GREENSLADE@KENYON.EDU, and a prospectus and application form will be sent via
US mail. The application deadline is ASAP.
Tom Greenslade
Professor of Physics
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 43022