On 4/16/99, in a post titled "Biology Teachers' Discussion List," responding to an earlier post by Peter Vajk, I indicated that a search of "CataList" at
<http://www.lsoft.com/catalist.html> yielded 68 hits on biology discussion lists and 31 hits on physics discussion lists.
For more general information on biology education, Phys-L'ers may find ref. 1 to be of some value.
Richard Hake, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indiana University
24245 Hatteras Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
1. R.R. Hake, "Research, Development, and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Web Guide for Non-Biologists (REDCUBE-042099.pdf)"
at <http://carini.physics.indiana.edu/SDI/phys-ed-new.html>. This Adobe Acrobat portable document file (pdf) (a) gives non-biologists a point of entry into the vast literature and web resources relevant to research, development, and change in undergraduate biology education, (b) contains 45 educator profiles, 400 references, and 400 clickable URL's, all relevant to undergraduate-biology-education reform. The references and URL's may be generally useful to physics teachers.