I believe that federal law prohibits the exposure of any person age 17 or
younger to *ANY* level of radiation from an experiment.
Obviously, exposure to *no* radiation is impossible, so the wording is to
make sure you do not trifle with the intent of the law, namely, that
students are to be expose to *no* laboratory experimentation involving
radioactive materials. From a practical standpoint, that means *no*
science fair projects involving radiation.
When they're old enough to have kids, however, you can zap them
sterile....smile, Karl
Dr. Karl I. Trappe Desk Phone: (512) 471-4152
Physics Dept, Mail Stop C-1600 Demo Office: (512) 471-5411
The University of Texas at Austin Home Phone: (512) 264-1616
Austin, Texas 78712-1081