The textbook league does present very independent reviews of high-school
textbooks. (Especially physics, since the president and webmaster is a
California State U. Physics professor) The headlines suggest the reviews
will be somewhere between "frank" and "negative," but the reviews
themselves seem balanced. And while the author's opinions do come
through, there tends to be a theme of "Old Guard," or "Old Style" in
their perspective--for better or worse.
One drawback: Reviews are posted on the web about two years after they
appear in print (about the time the publisher comes out with the next
edition.) Perhaps you could track down someone with a subscription.
All of the above is my way of saying that you should take this as a
referral, not an endorsement. Maybe it will help.
Dr. David W. Steyert
Department of Chemistry (912)-752-4173
Mercer University
Macon, GA 31207