|These points (and most of the other issues raised in this thread) are
|pretty well covered in _The Feynman Lectures on Physics_ chapter 27, "Field
|Energy and Field Momentum".
Oh, but I have long since given up on Feynman as a reliable source. He
does a fine job of illuminating the physics myths, but a poor job of over
throwing them.
There will always be a discussion about "reality" and another about "Well
of course it (any current subject) isn't real, but treating it as real is
so handy that we should all agree to use "reality" language." The problem
here is that the myths are not accurate (though visually handy) and we
should all keep the fact that they are myths in mind when we use physics
jargon -- lest we fall into useless semantic arguments -- as in this thread.
"Waves" and "fields" (and yes "heat") are among such myths.