... ... J.P. Scwarz et al (4 authors at 3 installations, US) now
report an experiment that uses the gravity field of a one-half
metric ton source mass to perturb the trajectory of a free-
falling mass, and *laser interferometry to track the falling
object. The authors state that since this experiment does not
suspend the test mass from a support system, it is therefore free
of many systematic errors associated with supports. The authors
report the measured value of the gravitational constant as 6.6873
+- 0.0094 x 10^(-11) m^(3) (kg)^(-1) sec^(-2), where m is meters,
(kg) is kilograms, and sec is seconds.
J.P. Schwarz et al: A free-fall determination of the Newtonian
constant of gravity.
(Science 18 Dec 98 282:2230)
QY: J.P. Schwarz, Univ. of Colorado Boulder 303-492-6694