Greetings everyone. I just returned from an AP conference in
Cleveland and saw something that really interested me. I received a
preview copy of a Physics Quiz for the students to use on the computer
made by one of the people at the AP conference. I've heard of these,
but never saw one, until just a few days ago.
It worked by having the student enter in their name. They then had
the choice of selecting the area to be quizzed in. Then, they were
given the choice of taking the quiz or getting a summary of the material
of the topic they covered.
When they took the quiz, everything was mulitple choice. If they
got the answer correct, it went on to the next one and they received
points. If they got it wrong, they lost points and were given the
choice of the explanation why it is right or wrong or to proceed on with
the quiz. The quiz was also timed and for every 30 seconds, one point
was deducted from your score.
At the end of the quiz, it gave you how many you got right,
percentage correct, highest percentage received, average percentage,
etc. It also gave you the option to retake the quiz, print it out, etc.
Some other unique features was that if certain things were not
covered, you could toggle them off and questions pertaining to that area
would not be asked. There were several hundred questions in each area
that the quiz could pull from. Also, each time is question is asked,
the correct answer is randomized. In other words if one time you got a
question where the correct answer was "B", the next time you might take
the quiz and possibly get the same question, the correct answer could be
"E". There was also a small security feature so that students couldn't
type up a false report on their word processor, without knowing what the
code at the end of the printout actually means.
I know there are several quiz programs out there. I was wondering
if anyone knows of any good ones that allows you to set up your own
questions, answers, and explanations and possibly have similar scoring
features that this person had? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone wanting a copy of this persons files, I have permission to
pass them out. Just e-mail me and I'll try to figure out how to attach
them (they take 2 disks, compressed).