CUR April Dialogue: Learn about Funding Opportunities and Federal Science
The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR), with sponsorship from NSF,
NIH, and the Department of Energy, will hold its fourth APRIL DIALOGUE on
April 15-17, 1999, at the National Science Foundation and the adjoining
Hilton Arlington and Towers Hotel in Arlington, VA. April Dialogue brings
faculty and administrators together with federal agency grants officers and
policymakers to discuss current and future funding opportunities and
research initiatives. NASA, EPA, DOD, the National Park Service, USDA, DOI,
and others will participate.
This year's April Dialogue features a forum on "Community Research:
Integrating the Three Academic Missions of Research, Teaching, and Service".
Participants will learn the hows, whys, rewards, and caveats related to
local research opportunities that address community needs. We will also
discuss the value of the House Science Committee's report, "Unlocking our
Future: towards a new science policy", for promoting undergraduate research.
Dr. Rita Colwell, NSF Director, will present the keynote address. Dr.
Richard Sclove of the Loka Foundation will deliver a plenary address
entitled "From the Cold War Into the Next Millennium: Democratizing Research
in the 21st Century" that unites our two policy themes. Richard Sclove and
information about Loka can be found at Loka's Web address at
In addition to workshops run by various federal and foundation grants
officers covering their specific programs, there will be a series of
"workshops on grantsmanship skills. There will also be a special
pre-dialogue workshop, "Grants Administration: Negotiating the Federal
For registration materials and further information about CUR, visit the CUR
website at To receive a copy of the program, go to the
website, then click on "MEETINGS AND EVENTS". Open CUR April Dialogue and
click on the last sentence of the first paragraph.
The Council on Undergraduate Research is also proud to announce "Posters on
the Hill," our annual undergraduate research poster session on Capitol Hill.
The event will take place on April 14, 1999, just before April Dialogue.
Some of the best posters from the Capitol Hill event will be featured at
registration for April Dialogue. Persons wishing to attend may visit our
website for further information.
CUR helps to strengthen the research programs of faculty in predominantly
undergraduate institutions and promotes research by undergraduate students
in all settings of science, mathematics, and engineering education. CUR
provides avenues for faculty development and helps administrators to improve
and assess the research environments of their institutions.