My Metrologic He/Ne .8 mW laser died after years of use (8?).
I use it to demonstrate properites of light.
I would value input on which laser to buy as a replacement.
1) Should I think about buying a modulated laser for speed of light
measurements and distance transmission?
2) Is .8mW about the right power? I believe I was told this is the
highest legal power for a secondary classroom. I do not think I'll ever
have the time to produce holograms, but maybe I should be thinking
about more power?
3) The red beam (?629 nm) from the He/Ne makes sense as a low
energy visible beam. Should I consider other colors?
4) I don't believe the laser pointers provide the hours of use for
experiments I want, but maybe I should consider pointers over a
Metrologic laser.
5) Other things I may have missed?
I hope to spend about $300 - $400 on a laser.
Best Wishes,
Mike Wilson
West Grand HS
Kremmling, Colorado