Had the universe been contracting, then the energy density of the
universe would have been increasing since the big bang, and no
galaxies (or any matter as we know it) would have formed. The
temperature would have been much too high to permit know elementary
particles to form.
The well observed 3K cosmic blackbody radiation was predicted on the
basis of an expanding universe. In a contracting universe, the
'blackbody' temperature would likely have been higher than at the big
bang. (I put 'blackbody' in quotes, because I don't know how or even
if energy gets thermalized under big bang conditions.)
Philip Zell
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Expanding Universe???
Author: "phys-l@lists.nau.edu: Forum for Physics Educators"
<PHYS-L@LISTS.NAU.EDU> at Internet
Date: 1/10/99 4:37 PM
I quote from a wantabe scientist on another non-science list: The Universe
is not expanding ".....rather, all objects contract in size uniformly over
time. This gives the illusion that the universe is expanding. Since we
must have conservation of mass/energy through out the universe, then new
elementary particles must rise in order to maintain constant mass/energy.
These new particles would give rise to new nebula constantly. If you go see
the National Air and Space exhibit called Powers of Ten, you will see a
three dimensional model for the position of all galaxies visible in the
night sky created by red shift analysis. The ongoing project has revealed
that the galaxies are distributed as a FRACTAL. The pattern of distribution
of galaxies in our night sky is that of SOAP BUBBLES. There are small
bubbles and large bubbles with the galaxies residing on the edges of the
bubbles. ...."