- Maurice Barnhill
Professor, Physics Dept., University of Delaware http://www.physics.udel.edu/~barnhill/
(includes two calculus-level introductory courses,
one course for non-majors on cosmology and particle physics)
- Bob Carlson
Author of World-in-Motion http://members.aol.com/raacc/wim.html
(World-in-Motion physics video motion analysis software,
demo version available for download at this site)
- Jesper Gundermann http://www.dea-ccat.dk/
(experiment online with simple climate models, construct
your own global scenarios for green house gas emissions,
and see the consequences)
- Bob Sciamanda
Retired (1998) Physics prof
Edinboro Univ of PA http://www.velocity.net/~trebor/
(URL has link to FTP site of Snell Trace,
a free optics ray-tracing program)
- Richard W. Tarara
Associate Professor of Physics
Department of Chemistry & Physics
Saint Mary's College http://www.saintmarys.edu/~rtarara/
(free physics instructional software available)
Please notify Directory editor Larry Cartwright
<physics@scnc.cps.k12.mi.us> if any errors have been made
in this edition of the Directory, or if you would like to be
included in or excluded from future editions of the Directory.
Be advised: Sites listed in this Directory have not been
reviewed or evaluated for accuracy or appropriateness of
content. Any questions, complaints and/or praise should be
privately directed to the "owner" of the individual website
rather than to the Directory editor or the list membership
at large. Thanks.