Greetings everyone! I hope everyone had a nice holiday season.
Right before break, we had a speaker that came in for one of our
school assemblies. He was great! As a matter of fact, I highly
recommend having him come to your school, class, or company.
His name is Gary Broadbent and he does a motivational and
educational program called "Boomerangs are Coming Back". He talks about
the history and science of the boomerang and how he got involved into
boomerangs. In case you are wondering, yes, they really do come back.
Since the weather was fairly nice, he threw and caught some of his
unique boomerangs. I think the students really like his Michael Jordan
(Boom Jordan), Road Runner Boomerang, and for the grande finale his
Colossal Comeback...a 4 foot boomerang. He explained how the boomerang
evolved from the kylie (hunting stick), the misconceptions (boomerangs
were never used as weapons, but are mistaken with the kylies), and the
physics as to why they come back.
He also talked as to how he got started in boomerangs and explains
that like a boomerang, what goes around comes around. If you are a good
student, good citizen, stay in school, say no to drugs, good things will
happen to you.
He has done his presentations from the elementary grades to high
school and colleges. He also does presentations for clubs, church
groups, corporations, and research facilities (including NASA Lewis
Research Center).
One thing I can say is that nearly every one of my high school
students wanted to have some of his boomerangs. He just so happens to
sell a few different types of boomerangs. One of them can easily be
throw in my classroom and some of the others can be thrown outside or in
a large gym. As a matter of fact, before he comes, get his order forms,
pass them out to the students and collect them before he comes so he can
quickly fill those orders. Apparently, that is how he makes most of his
income is from the sale of the boomerangs and charges very little for
coming and doing his presentation.
I don't know about all of you, but we've done away with most of our
assemblies because the students just don't know how to act appropriately
with a guest speaker. This guy got their attention right from the very
beginning and kept it for the entire time! If you are interested, you
can contact him at the following:
Gary Broadbent
P.O. Box 36432
Canton, OH 44735
(330) 492-7264 (RANG)
One word of caution, Gary has more energy than nearly all of the
students immediately after eating all of the Halloween candy. Just be
glad that you never had Gary as a student. :)
Again, I highly recommend having coming out to your school, clubs,
company, etc. You won't regret having him there and neither will your
students or employees.