At 09:13 AM 12/29/98 +0200, you wrote:
|>Yes, from time to time we talk about whether cool water or warm water
|>freezes "faster". Surely by now there is an FAQ somewhere. Could kind soul
|>please lead me to it or the like.
|See .
Several people have pointed out this article. I thank them for those
responses. I have visited this site and think that it is very valuable --
others should also visit and browse. As I get time I will spend some time
there reading the articles.
BUT this particular article uses caloric language -- uses the word "heat"
as a noun -- has it flow etc -- and I find myself yelling at my monitor to
the point where neighbors look worried. Again as I get time I will contact
the author and offer editorial services.
Or maybe Leigh Palmer would offer such -- Leigh, were are you when we need