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Re: Bookmarks

I have a slightly off-topic Q here: I also have a few thousand bookmarks
languishing and being moved. I'd LIKE a program that ties into Netscape
and Internet Exploiter and loads bookmarks into a small database, where
i could add comments, frame titles would automagically get sucked in and
that held the original URL. Then I could query the database by searching for
say FCI + math + .edu and have it find links I know I put in there and are
of quality and interest to me.

Does anyone know of such SW? I'd even pay :^) I've never seen an even
half-decent URL management utility and this doesn';t seem like rocket

Dan M

I'm with Chuck. If Phys-L goes to the Web, I'll never see it again. I have
thousands of sites bookmarked and almost never go back to them, even the
ones I know I should because I know I'll get valuable new info from them.
There are just too many distractions, and getting the Phys-L postings
directly to my inbox, is the only way I could keep up with them, or
occasionally have somthing to contribute.


Hugh Haskell