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Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 09:47:26 -0600
From: jim mcconville <ojim@MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU>
Subject: Re: north and south in the water
Barlow Newbolt
My new Magnet Source Catalog offers WaterTreatment Magnets
one attatches to water pipes for such things as descaling
and reducing hardness. There is a polarity to the
arrangement. The magnetised water is said to feel wetter,
cleaner, softer etc. I am skeptical but willing to listen
(and learn?).
Jim McConville
Physics Department
The University of Chicago
5720 Ellis Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60637
773/702-7012 * fax773/702-2045
What is magnetised water? WBN