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I am learning how to use JavaScript (at the very elementary level) but
have nobody nearby to ask questions when things do not work. If you are
more or less comfortable with this kind of HTML scripting, and willing
to help me occasionally, please contact me in private. I promise not to
abuse your generosity. Thanks in advance.
Ludwik Kowalski
P.S. Even a better solution, if I am not the only one who is interested
in interactive physics pages, perhaps we can have an ongoing JavaScript
thread on phys-L. Let me know if you would be interested. I will count
how many people are interested and post the outcome.
For those who do not know about JavaScripting. It is kind of a language,
not to be confused with Java, which can enhance HTMP documents. It can
be used to turn a page into a multiple question exam, for example, or
to collect information that viewers enter into other kinds of forms.
The main advantage, as i can see it, is the platform independence.