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MI Section Meeting of AAPT

Please pass this agenda along to any Michigan physics teachers. We hope
to see some of you that are not currently MAAPT members.


Al Gibson

Michigan Section - American Association of Physics Teachers
Delta College - Midland, MI
April 11 and 12
Tentative Agenda

Friday April 11, 1997

6:00 PM Registration and Dinner- Delta College Rm. C 111
6:30 - 9:00 PM World in Motion Video Analysis for the PC - Windows 3.1, 95
and NT
Dinner and Workshop $20.00 Only 20 copies of the program are
available. Registration for this workshop includes a CD ROM
containing the program and over 200MB of video clips. Workshop will
include video capture and analysis. Please register as soon as
possible. Email or Fax ASAP 14 spots remain on 3/19/97

9:00 Executive Officers meeting. All members are welcome. We especially
invite past officers to attend.

Saturday Morning - Delta College Planetarium and Learning Center --See Map
for directions

8:30 Registration - Don Wallace, Sec/Treasurer, Oakland University
Donuts, bagels, Coffee and getting acquainted with old and new
Physics Phriends

8:55 Call to Order and Welcome
MAAPT President Paul Zitzewitz

9:05 Avoiding Student Passivity in an Old-Fashioned College Classroom
Alvin Saperstein, Physics Department, Wayne State University

9:20 Variations on a Tube
Mark Davids, Grosse Pointe South High School

9:30 One Way Transmission of Light: The False and the True
David A. Van Baak and Anne Van Houten,, Calvin College

9:45 Uncommon Measurements in a Common World
Keith Forton, Traverse City Central Senior High School

10:00 CAPA Revisited: Pros and Cons of a Computerized Homework System
Phil Kaldon, Hope College

10:15 Coffee Break and Discussion of morning topics

10:30 An Analysis of the Force Concept Inventory: What Difference does
High School Physics Make??
Paul W. Zitzewitz, University of Michigan-Dearborn

10:15 C3P: Comprehensive Conceptual Curriculum in Physics- The
Alan Gibson, Rochester Adams High School

11:00 Planetarium Show - Delta College Shows of its new Planetarium
Frederick G. Krauss, Delta College

12:00 Lunch Break- Lunch will cost approximately $9.00 We will try to
stay together to continue discussion from the morning.

1:00 Invited Paper: Why Supersymmetry and the Planck Scale Are So
Gordon Kane, University of Michigan Read Professor Kanes article
about string theory in the February, 1997 issue of Physics Today.

1:50 Business Meeting (Updates, Election, Recognition of retiring
members, etc.)

2:20 Quickies and Stumpers:
What Does the Sonic Ranger Data Tell You?
Ernest Behringer, Eastern Michigan University
Whats Wrong With This Picture? - A Moon Rise Problem
Phil Kaldon, Hope College

2:30- 4:30
Concurrent Session A
Peer Instruction Workshop and Presentations Cosponsored by TYC21
Ernest Behringer, Eastern Michigan University
Patti Hughey, Lansing Community College
Fred Krauss, Delta College
Paul Zitzewitz, University of Michigan -

Concurrent Session B
Calculator Based Labs -- A Short Workshop Presented by Keith Forton
Traverse City Central Senior High School Keith has presented many
workshops on CBL. He comes Highly Recommended by Texas Instruments. Limit
20 - Bring your TI 82, or TI 83 and CBL. We will have extra Calculators
and CBLs

Concurrent Session C
Optics, Video Capture and?

2:30 NIH Software- Video on the Cheap
Rick Forrest and Eric Thuma, Rochester High School

2:45 A Demonstration of the Optics of Eyeglasses
Michael LoPresto, Henry Ford Community College

3:00 Light and Color - A CPU Module
Albert Menard, Saginaw Valley State University

3:20 Fabrication and Study of Diffraction Gratings for a General
Physics Laboratory
Hsuan Chen and Marian Shih, Saginaw Valley State University

3:30 A Low Cost Home-made Optical Ray Box for the Laboratory
Marian Shih, Saginaw Valley State University

3:45 A Walk of 66 Centuries in the Life of Comet Hale-Bopp
Robert C. Victor, Abrams Planetarium
Sheron Snyder, Outreach Coordinator, MSU Physics and Astronomy and
the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory.

4:10 Late Papers

Please let us know if you want to sign up for workshops. First come,
first served
Any questions and early registration should be addressed to:
Alan Gibson
Rochester Adams High School School Phone 810-652-0116 leave
a message
3200 W. Tienken Rd 810-652-0122
Science Workroom
Rochester Hills, MI 48306 810-650-5749 Fax

Holiday Inn 1.5 blocks from meeting at 501 Saginaw St., Bay City.
Mention Great Rate and the cost is $69/rm. with 2 dbl. beds Phone 517
892-3501 or 1800 HOLIDAY
Rest All Inn Auburn/Midland, 4955 Garfield, Auburn $46.64/1
person $49.82/2 persons 10% discount AAA and AARP Phone 517-662-7888
Price includes Taxes
Four Points Hotel/Sheraton - Saginaw 4960 Towne Center, Saginaw
$61/single, $66/double